La Vallée des Korrigans – Parc multi activités pour tous – Savenay – Loire-Atlantique
Sorry, pets are not allowed inside the Park.
Every person has to pay an entrance fee according her activity. However, if you’re pregnant, or if you’re a child under three years old, you don’t need to pay your entry.
Possibility to bring your own lunch, we have a lot of undercover picnics areas. You may also purchase your meal at the restaurant. you’ll find also ice cream, fresh beverages and lolies.
Possibility to celebrate birthdays, hen party, business meetings…
We organise everything, activities, meals, …
Wear a sport outfit with good shoes for tree climbing.
Our staff is qualified to help you verbally and physically.
Twelve stages, four colors (green, blue, red and black), it gets higher and more difficult at every step.
Tree climbing takes two to three hours. We advice to stay all day to enjoy the park.
Tree climbing starts at seven years old and 1.2 meters. We have inflatable castels for younger childs.
Every stage takes at least ten minutes and ten games. You go back on the floor at the end of each stage.
Laser Game is during one hour with an animator. We advice you to arrive at least 45 minutes before the activitie. Maximum : 20 people. Starts at seven years old.
We welcome a maximum of 20 people at any one time for a 1-hour session. For larger groups, we organize team tournaments.
We offer Laser Tag for children aged 7 and over. Please note, however, that it’s always difficult to mix children with adults, due to the great difference in motor skills and attitude.
We’ve got 1 big field, Equipement is given at every beginning of games (gloves, game suit, neck protection, helmets…). 45 minutes to two hours. Starts at 14 years old.
Paintball games take between 1h and 1h30. This depends on the number of participants, the package you choose and the number of paintballs you take.
We have the right equipment for children aged 14 and over. Please note, however, that we do not mix groups on a course simultaneously. We strongly advise against children under the age of 14, as experience has shown that some impacts can hurt and “spoil” their game. For children under 14, we have developed the GellyBall activity.
The paintball activity is played with 6 or more people on the field. Please note that reservations are required for paintball activities.
We recommend that you wear clothing suitable for a dirty outdoor activity, and shoes that fit your feet properly.